Facebook status update via iPhone without an iPhone.

Facebook status update from Desired Device (via iPhone without an iPhone):

Login to your Facebook account and update your status, just visit and search for your desired device on top right corner of the page: http://statusvia.org/


1.Trick to update blank status:

Simply enter @[3:3: ] in your status update box. To update your blank status as a long statement, paste the code one below another as showed below:
@[3:3: ]
@[3:3: ]
@[3:3: ]

2. Download Full Facebook Album in a single click:

Now you can download a full Facebook album in a single click. Just visit this app called Facebook2zip. http://facebook2zip.com/

3. Go offline for a particular person:

Instead of going offline for all of your friends, now you can go OFFLINE for a particular person. Just open that person’s chat pane and click on the settings button. You’ll find a button saying ‘Turn off chat for xyz’, just click and you are done.

5. Update Facebook status with symbols:

Facebook status symbols do not have to use the inbuilt facility. But we’re cool with the status message through the use of symbols is a Facebook trick. Just visit: http://fsymbols.com/all/
Then double click copy and paste the desired symbol in your status.

6. Post Facebook update in blue

Paste the below mentioned code in your status update box and write your text in place of ‘your text’:
@@[1:[0:1: your text]]

Source: EFY times network

Apple seeks Android source code from Google: Report

The company founded by late visionary Steve Jobs has asked a US court to direct the world’s biggest internet search company to handover the source code of its Android operating system.

According to a news report in Bloomberg Businessweek, Apple told the US court that Google is “improperly withholding” data that it requested in the pre-trial information sharing stage. Apple has sought this information in the second-patent infringement case it has filed at the San Jose court. As per the court filing, the iPhone maker has argued that Android is used in all of Samsung’s allegedly infringing products and “provides much of the accused functionality.”

The latest development in the war between Apple and Samsung comes in the lawsuit that includes patent violation charges on phones like iPhone 5 and Galaxy S III.

However, a lawyer for Google (but who also represents Samsung in the case) told the court that the Tim Cook-led company made this “strategic decision to keep Google off the complaint.” He said that the internet search giant does not have the same legal rights as the Apple and Samsung in this case “with respect to reciprocal discovery,” the report states.

Apple and Samsung are embroiled in a patent battles across various parts of the world. One of the biggest judgements in the matter came last year, when a US jury concluded that Samsung has violated Apple patents and awarded the latter $1.05 billion. However, this sum was slashed later to $450.5 million by the court and a new date to determine final damages in the case was set.